The white mask as portable air purification called 'Aero Breath Fit'.
Aero Breath Fit is a new change of breathing. Patented  multi layer filter removes viruses, ultra find dust in the air max 99.9%, made of medical level silicon to be safer
We made with reliable materials by CALAB's own patented technology. E11 grade filter : Virus and bacteria 99.9% removal and dust collection efficiency 95% / Exhale valve : prevention of inhaled air back flow / Metal filter : collection droplet / Inhale valve : prevention of exhaled air back flow
When the Aero breath fit compare to regular mask, It is better than that in every way
8times comfortable to breath / Aero Breath Fit makes you 8times comfortable to breath and can be used for max 3month with 8times wider filter area than regular mask
package main components 1. Aero Breath Fit Cover 2. Aero Breath Fit Main body 3. Aero Breath Fit repalced filter 4. Aero Breath Fit Ear band 5. Aero Breath Fit silicon guard 6. Aero Breath Fit Neck supporter
The white mask as portable air purification called 'Aero Breath Fit'.
Aero Breath Fit is a new change of breathing. Patented  multi layer filter removes viruses, ultra find dust in the air max 99.9%, made of medical level silicon to be safer
We made with reliable materials by CALAB's own patented technology. E11 grade filter : Virus and bacteria 99.9% removal and dust collection efficiency 95% / Exhale valve : prevention of inhaled air back flow / Metal filter : collection droplet / Inhale valve : prevention of exhaled air back flow
When the Aero breath fit compare to regular mask, It is better than that in every way
8times comfortable to breath / Aero Breath Fit makes you 8times comfortable to breath and can be used for max 3month with 8times wider filter area than regular mask
package main components 1. Aero Breath Fit Cover 2. Aero Breath Fit Main body 3. Aero Breath Fit repalced filter 4. Aero Breath Fit Ear band 5. Aero Breath Fit silicon guard 6. Aero Breath Fit Neck supporter


Filter Replaceable Mask, 1 Pack - 3 Colors, Semi-Permanent Body Part

  • KKLM ENTERPRISE LDAはモザンビークの公式独占サプライヤーです
  • 最も拡張された寿命フィルター: フィルター技術は、マスクの最長フィルター寿命を実現します。 3ヶ月の寿命であなたの時間を楽しんでください。
  • 機能: フィルターは、マルチフィルタリングを行う3Dフィルター超微細フィルターで作られています。 細かいほこり/超細かいほこり/花粉/空気中の有害物質99.9% 除去。
  • カラフルなパッケージ: 3色のカバー、1フィルター、本体は1パッケージに含まれています。 使いやすいマグネットタイプで毎日あなたの色を変えてください。

Custom Button Example